
Chiropractic Care for Knee Pain

knee pain

If you have knee pain from a sports injury or chronic pain, chiropractic care can make a big difference in the function of your knee joint. At Advanced Chiropractic Group in Santa Barbara, we are ready to help you manage your knee pain, and get you mobile again. When you are avoiding activities because of joint pain, it's time to get the treatment you need.

How Chiropractic Care Helps Knee Pain

Chiropractic care can help to stabilize your knee joint. Any joint in your body can be adjusted by a chiropractor. Your knee will be assessed to see if there are any alignment issues. Once your knee is adjusted, you may be taught strengthening exercises to keep your knee in the right place. Ultrasound, hot or cold therapy, laser therapy, and manual therapies can all help with pain management and increase mobility.

What to Expect From Chiropractic Care

When you see a chiropractor for knee pain, you will be able to discuss what is going on. You'll have the opportunity to express your treatment goals and your current level of activity. Our chiropractor will work to uncover the cause of your knee pain and teach you ways to improve your strength in the muscles that support your knee. You'll see our chiropractor several times a week to start treatment, and slowly step down to less treatment over time. You can improve your knee pain with the help of a chiropractor, but it's important to stay consistent with treatment.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Chiropractor for Knee Pain Treatment in Santa Barbara

When your mobility is impacted by knee pain, it's time to see how chiropractic care in Santa Barbara can help. Contact Advanced Chiropractic Group today at (805) 681-7322 and learn more about the benefits of seeing a chiropractor for knee pain.


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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "You guys are great! Michael H. is a wonderful person as well as a thoughtful and smart chiropractor. keep up the good work! I'd recommend him to anyone!"
    Carla D.